• Discussion Fanatics

    If your cat is dragging its bottom on the carpet, there's a chance your cat has worms. Parasitic worms, such as tapeworms, can cause irritation to the posterior area. In other words, get your cat to a vet immediately.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Scooting, which is the polite term for a pet dragging his butt along the ground, is seen more often in dogs, but cat scooting happens sometimes, too. Usually, this means a cats rear is itchy or irritated. A little detective work can help you get to the bottom of the cause behind all that cat scooting.

    Secondly, why does my cat scoot after pooping? Not Enough Fiber. On the other side of the spectrum, if your kitty doesnt eat a diet with sufficient fiber, her stools may become too soft or too small to properly empty her anal glands during defecation. Your kitty will scoot her butt on the floor in an attempt to relieve her full, distended anal glands.

    Besides, how can I stop my cat from scooting?

    1. Treat your cat for worms if they are due (check with your vets if youre not sure).
    2. Check under their tail and around their bottom for anything obviously wrong.
    3. If your cat continues scooting after following this advice, speak to your vet.

    How does an indoor cat get worms?

    Generally, cats can get worms by coming in contact with eggs or infected pieces of feces. Worms can also be contracted by hunting and eating rodents that are infected with worms. Fleas also play a huge role in the infestation of worms. Cats most commonly contract roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

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