• Discussion Fanatics

    Actor: Si Robertson, Willie Robertson

  • Duck Commander, Inc. Duck Commander is both the brand of a duck call and the name of the company in West Monroe, Louisiana, United States. The company manufactures these calls and other duck-hunting merchandise, as well as deer-hunting merchandise under the Buck Commander brand.

    Likewise, how much is Duck Commander worth? Estimated Net Worth: Million. In the hands of Willie Robertson, the second youngest son of Phil and Miss Kay, Duck Commander went from a family business to a multi-million dollar business.

    Also know, who is the real owner of Duck Commander?

    Willie Robertson

    Can you visit Duck Commander?

    Tickets are available to purchase at Duck Commander warehouse. The Tour is open for self-guided tours at 9:30 a.m. and the last tour starts at 3:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Learn more about the Tour at duckcommander. tours.

Where is it?

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sports hunting and shooting duck commander commander duck willie robertson commander worth

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