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    For the most part, you keep score by adding the number of pins knocked down in each frame. Special bonuses are awarded for strikes and spares. When a strike is bowled, the bowler is awarded the score of 10 (for knocking down all ten pins), plus he gets to add the total of his next two rolls to that frame.

  • In traditional scoring, one point is scored for each pin that is knocked over, and when less than all ten pins are knocked down in two rolls in a frame (an open frame), the frame is scored with the total number of pins knocked down. A strike in the tenth (final) frame receives two extra rolls for bonus pins.

    Beside above, how do you score 300 in bowling? In bowling games that use 10 pins, such as ten-pin bowling, candlepin bowling, and duckpin bowling, the highest possible score is 300, achieved by bowling 12 strikes in a row in a traditional single game: one strike in each of the first nine frames, and three more in the tenth frame.

    Also to know is, how much is a spare worth in bowling?

    A spare is awarded when no pins are left standing after the second ball of a frame; i.e., a player uses both balls of a frame to clear all ten pins. A player achieving a spare is awarded ten points, plus a bonus of whatever is scored with the next ball (only the first ball is counted).

    Can you bowl a 300 with a spare?

    No its impossible. Its very simple: if you get a spare, you add the pins from the next ball thrown to the current frame. If you get a strike, you count the pins from the next 2 balls thrown to the current frame.

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sports bowling pins frame ten pins spare

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