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    1. Drink Copious Amounts of Nyquil. Pros: Abottle comes with its own personal shot glass. Take a few shots,fight the sleepy feeling and then you're in for a hazy,loopy drunk/high combination.
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    You should never drink alcohol while usingNyQuil. The flu and cold medication and its store-brandversions contain several ingredients that can interact withalcohol and cause drowsiness, dizziness and liver damage.For example, mixing alcohol and Mucinex Fast-Max cancause nausea, stomach pain and yellow skin.

    Secondly, how much alcohol is in NyQuil compared to beer? A: NyQuil Liquid contains 10 percentalcohol. NyQuil LiquiCaps does not containalcohol.

    In this way, what happens if you take a lot of NyQuil?

    Do not take more of this medication than isrecommended. An overdose of acetaminophen can damage yourliver or cause death. Call your doctor at once if you havenausea, pain in your upper stomach, itching, loss of appetite, darkurine, clay-colored stools, or jaundice (yellowing of your skin oreyes).

    Can you get drunk off of cough syrup?

    Doing this just to get drunk is very dangerous,and, like other forms of rapid absorption, it can causesudden death. Other household products like mouthwash or coughsyrup also contain alcohol, and some people drink these toget drunk.

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medical health substance abuse nyquil copious amounts drunk alcohol drink

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