• Discussion Fanatics

    Primary and secondary reinforcers are both forms of positive reinforcement, which is the process of rewarding a behavior. Primary reinforcement involves a reward that fulfils a biological need. Secondary reinforcers are learned and work via association with primary reinforcers.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Secondary Reinforcement refers to a situation wherein a stimulus reinforces a behavior after being previously associated with a primary reinforcer or a stimulus that satisfies basic survival instinct such as food, drinks, and clothing. A secondary reinforcer can be helpful or not.

    Additionally, what is a primary reinforcer what is a secondary reinforcer What are examples of each? Food, drink, and pleasure are the principal examples of primary reinforcers. But, most human reinforcers are secondary, or conditioned. Examples include money, grades in schools, and tokens. Secondary reinforcers acquire their power via a history of association with primary reinforcers or other secondary reinforcers.

    In this manner, what is the difference between a primary and secondary reinforcer quizlet?

    Primary reinforcers are reinforcers that meet a biological need such as food and shelter. While Secondary reinforces gain value by association with primary reinforcers.

    Which is an example of a secondary reinforcer?

    Money is one example of secondary reinforcement. Money can be used to reinforce behaviors because it can be used to acquire primary reinforcers such as food, clothing, and shelter (among other things). Secondary reinforcement is also known as conditioned reinforcement.

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