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    The flesh of the rambutan fruit is considered safe for human consumption. On the other hand, its peel and seed are generally considered inedible. Summary The flesh of the rambutan fruit is safe to eat. However, its peel and seeds may be toxic when eaten raw or in very large amounts.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Dysentery is a very serious disease that can impact your bowel movements by urging you to the bathroom every frequently, thereby, you will feel weak. Rambutan skin can kill harmful bacteria and help you in stomach relief due to anti-parasitic properties in it.

    Secondly, how do you know if rambutan is bad? Even the ones that seem under-ripe should also be eaten right away. This is because, once picked, rambutans do not ripen any further; they just rot. The shriveling of the hairy spikes is the first tell-tale sign of deterioration.

    Consequently, can you eat the nut in a rambutan?

    The seed in the center is not edible while raw. If you have a clingstone rambutan, just leave the seed in and spit it out when finished. Eat the fruit. If you removed the seed, just pop the flesh in your mouth.

    How long can rambutan last?

    two weeks

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This page shows discussions around "Is Rambutan deadly?"


food and drink barbecues and grilling rambutan rambutan fruit seed fruit flesh

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