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    Average cost per pound at Honey Baked Ham is .52 per pound.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Honey Baked Ham Prices

    Item Price Honey Baked Ham (1 lb.) .39 Ham by the Slice (1 lb.) .99 Honey Baked Boneless Ham Half Boneless Ham (1 lb.) .99
    One may also ask, how much does a ham cost? 88 to .19 a pound. Boneless, spiral cut hams are about .50 a pound. Bone-in ham varies from .48 to 1.98 a pound. Both ham and turkey are priced to lure you to the store.

    Also know, is Honey Baked Ham expensive?

    One of my relatives used to work for HoneyBaked, so we could score them at a pretty good discount… but even with that reduction in price, they were still pretty expensive! An 8 lb bone-in half ham (like you can find in most grocery stores), from HoneyBaked will run you over .

    How long do you put a honey baked ham in the oven?

    Heating a HoneyBaked spiral ham If using a conventional oven, cover the entire ham (or portion to be used) and heat at 275 degrees F for about 10 minutes per pound. Place a shallow pan with water on the rack below the ham for additional moisture.

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