• Discussion Fanatics

    Telepathy means direct communication from one mind to another. It refers to the supposed ability to perceive the thoughts of others without the use of recognised senses. The term was first used in 1882 by psychologist, F W Myers. If telepathy existed, it would dramatically violate several established laws of physics.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    λε, tele meaning distant and πάθος, pathos or -patheia meaning feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience) is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction.

    Subsequently, question is, what is telepathic communication? Telepathic communication is the transference of thought between minds by some means other than normal sensory channels, like speaking, music, or sound. Telepathic communication can occur in many forms such as words, pictures, ideas, physical sensations, sounds, impressions, feelings, or just a sense of knowing,.

    Also know, when was the word telepathy invented?


    What does it mean when you have telepathy with someone?

    Telepathy defies the concepts of time and space and makes human contact a possibility without the need for verbal confrontation. If you share such a connection with someone, you are sure to come across these signs. You can also sexually arouse them with your telepathic powers.

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telepathic communication telepathy communication telepathic sensory channels

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