Slovenia and Croatia are neighbors, however they have a bad political relation due to some border issues. The Slovenian and Croatian people also generally dont seem to like each other, perhaps because there is some kind of competition between them. As right now the Slovenian Macro and Microeconomic appears to be way ahead as the Croatian one.The two countries speak different languages and, due to its location along the Alps and the absence of a significant coastline, Slovenia shares a culture with its Austrian neighbors that is very different from the Croatian. Croatian culture varies greatly from region to region, based on geography and proximity to other, neighboring countries - Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Italy and Slovenia. Croatia also has a very long coastline and long time connections to the wider Medditerranean. As a result, Croatia is heavily influenced by Latin or Medditerranean culture. Croatia has a better economic base, but is not Slovenias economic equal yet because the country endured a war for half a decade and experiences more corruption and political divisiveness. So, Slovenes love Croatian food and the Croatian coastline, but are upset that Croatian littoral sea rights prevent Slovenia from accessing international waters and that Croats harrass Slovene vaction home owners in Croatia. Croats are envious of Slovenian relative affluence and its display by Slovenes when visiting. While living in a common federal state, Slovenes often voted counter to Croatias interest in exchange for return policy favors by other states in the federation and there is a perception that the same happens in the EU context. However, both equally distrust and dislike the Italians and Austrians for their discrimination against Croat and Slovene minorities in those countries. Croatia is a very important market for Slovenia and Slovenia is an important source of investment capital for Croatia. No passport is required by the two countries citizens to travel across their mutual border. They are both glad not to be Serbian. There are many mixed marriages in the border regions between the two countries. Marshal Tito, the most significant figure in the regions 20th century politics was half Slovene, half Croat.
Does Slovenia have a king or queen?
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