my teacher was very strict but not rude i guess at point teacher need to be strict to maintain discipline
What does teach TCI stand for?
Bert: TCI stands for Teachers' Curriculum Institute. It's a mouthful, which is why we are known as TCI. We purposely punctuated the name with the apostrophe at the end of “teachers” to show that we are created by teachers, for teachers.
TCI has been providing engaging K-12 curriculum for over 25 years. Our innovative, award-winning software delivers this curriculum to teachers and students across the nation.
Subsequently, question is, who created TCI? Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI) was a cable television provider in the United States, and for most of its history was controlled by Bob Magness and John Malone. The company was started in 1958 in Bozeman, Montana as Western Microwave, Inc. and Community Television, Inc., two firms with common ownership.
People also ask, what does TCI science stand for?
TCI is a K-12 publishing company that creates science and social studies curriculum to enable educators to improve their ability to engage students in a diverse classroom. Based on proven teaching strategies and practices, our K-12 programs bring learning alive and achieve consistent, positive classroom results.
What is history alive?
History Alive was a short lived live-action educational series originally produced in early 1970s by Walt Disney Educational. Later school textbooks were made with the name history alive. These text books are used to teach world history all around the U.S.
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