Mountain Standard Time is 2 hours behind of Eastern Standard Time
MST EST 1:00 3:00 2:00 4:00 3:00 5:00 4:00 6:00
Additionally, how do you convert eastern time to mountain time? Eastern Standard Time is 2 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time
Similarly one may ask, is Mountain time the same as eastern time?
The mountain times is based on the Rocky Mountains from Canada down to New Mexico. For the Mountain Time you subtract 7 hours in the UTC for standard time and 6 hours for daylight time, while you subtract five hours in the UTC for the Eastern Time for standard time and four hours for daylight time zone.
What time is it in the Mountain Time Zone?
Mountain Time Zone MST UTC−07:00 MDT UTC−06:00 Current time 09:40, March 1, 2020 MST [refresh]