• Discussion Fanatics

    You should be able to find dried sage in small, independent herb shops; at some grocery stores, health stores, and farmers markets; in head shops, smoke shops, or anywhere that incense is sold.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Many local grocery, New Age, herbal, health food, plant stores and flea markets have sage available to buy in-person. Additionally, Wal-Mart and Whole Foods locations sell sage. Both Wal-Mart and Whole Foods sell sage in the form of dried smudge sticks, as well as bottled leaves or powder.

    Also Know, does Walmart have sage? Sage Spirit - Smudge Wand Large Sage and Cedar - 6 in. - Walmart.com.

    Besides, can you buy Sage at a grocery store?

    Purchase a bundle or stick of sage from a local shop. You should be able to find dried sage in small, independent herb shops; at some grocery stores, health stores, and farmers markets; in head shops, smoke shops, or anywhere that incense is sold.

    Does Whole Foods sell burning sage?

    I bought some smudging sage at Whole Foods for .99 for a 3 pack of smudge sticks, which it turns out will be enough to smudge every place I ever live in for the rest of my life. If youre not familiar with smudging, it is the process of burning sage around a dwelling or area where people are residing.

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