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    Black truffles, the more common variety, currently cost about per ounce while white truffles top the charts at per ounce. But the much more reasonably priced truffle butter is pretty delicious, too.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    The black truffle cost ranges from ,000 to ,000 per pound, depending on the season.

    Furthermore, how much can you sell truffles for? European white truffles can sell for as much as ,600 a pound, making them and their fellow fungi the most expensive food in the world. One two-pound truffle recently sold for more than ,000.

    Simply so, why is black truffle so expensive?

    Truffles are expensive because it is very hard to farm them. They only like very specific kinds of soil and tree. Because they live inside tree roots, you cant just plant truffle seeds in a field or something.

    How much is 1kg of truffles worth?

    Black summer truffles sell for between -400 per kilo, while the more valuable winter Perigord black truffles may run upwards of .

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food and drink desserts and baking truffles black truffles black white truffles truffles sell

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