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    A mid-level paint job with a higher-qualitypaint and additional prep work like removing rust and dentscan range from ,000 to ,500 with an average of ,316.For a high-quality paint job drivers reported spendingbetween ,400 and ,500, with an average price of about,000.

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    Generally, you dont want this, because suchcoatings must be completely removed before painting.Either way, your first step before painting should be to usea metal-etching conditioner (i.e., Metal-prep), which also removesany minor surface rust, followed by a good etchingprimer.

    Similarly, can you paint over existing car paint? If you paint over an existing finish(perfectly acceptable for some applications), you neverreally know whats hiding under the surface. If you dodecide to paint over the existing finish, wash thevehicle and then use a high-quality wax and grease remover like PREPainting Prep on the surface.

    In this regard, how do you strip and repaint a car?


    1. Wear a respirator. At the very least, you should have a dustmask.
    2. Attach a 220-grit sanding disc to a dual-action (DA) sandingmachine. Peel off the back of the sanding disc and attach it to thesander.
    3. Sand the surface until you remove all the paint.
    4. Switch the sanding disc to 400 grit and sand until smooth.

    Do you have to strip paint before repainting?

    If you****re painting over a wall with apaint that is close to the previous color, then in general,you dont need to prime existing paint. Toprepare for repainting: Wash the wall to remove anygrease. Repaint the wall with at least two coats of your newcolor.

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hobbies and interests painting paint sanding disc paint job existing finish existing

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