• Discussion Fanatics

    The salt I get from the local pool store comes in 40lbs bags and sells for or , depending on whether you get pellets or fine granules.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    It will cost between ,500 and ,500 for the saltwater chlorination system, depending on the size of the pool.

    Beside above, does Leslies test pool water? Our Test Is The Best. Testing your pool water is easily one of the most important things you can do for your pool. Leslies recommends that you bring in your water to be tested at least every two weeks during the summer and our FREE 9-point water test gives you the most accurate water chemistry reading.

    Then, does Home Depot sell pool salt?

    Morton Salt 40 lbs. Professionals Choice Pool Salt-F124660000 - The Home Depot.

    Do salt water pools kill bacteria?

    Yes thats right, salt water pools still use chlorine to kill bacteria in the water. As the salty water passes through the cell a process known as electrolysis breaks the salt down into chlorine on one side of the plates and caustic soda and hydrogen at the other.

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