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    Most Common Reason Why Lights Flicker

    Any time an appliance is plugged in, there is a change in the load in the electrical circuit which causes your lights to dim or flicker. So, a washing machine or refrigerator starting can sometimes cause lights to flicker, but this is not something to worry about.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Flickering lights can be caused by minor issues or serious electrical problems. Improper electrical work is not only annoying but also dangerous. Home electrical fires can cost you your home as well as your life. If your flickering lights are a result of a serious problem, do not attempt to repair it yourself.

    Additionally, can a flickering light cause a fire? Loose wiring is the most serious reason for flickering lights and a main cause of house fires. Shut off the light at the circuit breaker before removing the fixture to double check the wiring. If the fixture looks like it might be loose or insecure, its time to call an electrician.

    In this regard, what does it mean when lights flicker around you?

    To recap - There are two main spiritual reasons why lights go out or flicker. It could be a Spirit or it could be your own energy after a spiritual awakening adjusting to the space. When its a one-off situation, if lights are flickering around you, its usually a Spirit.

    Is a flickering light a fire hazard?

    Lights Are Flickering Throughout the House These are high capacity wires and could be a fire hazard. Bottom line: You should never ignore a problem with flickering lights. It may be a simple fix, like a new bulb or fixture switch, but can be a symptom of a larger electrical problem.

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