Netherlands is the English translation of Nederland. Nederland literally means low lying land (Neder is an older word with the definition low and land means land). The Netherlands are partially located below sea level and that is the reason why it is called The Netherlands.In English and multiple other languages the country has been given the plural form, since you could say that The Nederlands exists of multiple low lying lands. This was also the case till 1815. Before that The Netherlands as a whole didnt exist.In other languages you can also see this translation of low lying lands. For example in French: les Pays-Bas, in German: die Niederlande and in Italian: Paesi Bassi.
What does er at the end of a word mean?
It's usually added to verbs to make nouns with the meaning 'a person or thing that does something', for example: builder, farmer, sprinkler, or beeper. The -er ending can also be used to form nouns meaning: 'a person concerned with a particular thing', e.g. jeweller, lawyer, treasurer, mariner.
a suffix used in forming nouns designating persons from the object of their occupation or labor (hatter; tiler; tinner; moonshiner), or from their place of origin or abode (Icelander; southerner; villager), or designating either persons or things from some special characteristic or circumstance (six-footer; three-
Beside above, how does suffix er change meaning of word? Like prefixes, there are many suffixes used in the English language to create a rich vocabulary. These suffixes change the meaning or grammatical function of a base word or root word. For example, by adding the suffixes -er and -est to the adjective fond, you create the comparative fonder and the superlative, fondest.
Herein, what is it called when you add ER to the end of a word?
Use words ending in -er or modified by the word more to compare two items. This is known as the comparative degree. Use words ending in -est or modified by the word most to compare three or more items. This is known as the superlative degree.
What does word with endings mean?
A suffix (also called ending) is an affix that is placed after the stem of a word. Common examples are case endings, which indicate the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives, and verb endings, which form the conjugation of verbs.
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