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    An Oil-Filled radiator space heater uses approximately 1500 watts, on an average, an Oil-Filled radiator space heater is used approximately 6 hours a day. Click calculate to find the power consumption of Oil-Filled radiator space heater using 1500 Watts for 6 hours a day @ sh.12 per kWh.

  • Oil-filled radiators are cheap to run – and there is no need to replace the oil.

    Secondly, which type of heater is cheapest to run? If a portable electric heater is definitely what you need, halogen heaters and oil-fired radiators are the cheapest to run, while bar fires and fan heaters are more expensive. The higher an appliances power rating in watts, the more it will cost to run.

    Likewise, people ask, how much does it cost to run an oil filled radiator heater?

    The energy source in an oil-filled radiator is electricity. The wisdom of using an electric heater depends on the per kilowatt cost in your region. If your heater has a 1000 watt rating and your cost of electricity is sh.15/Kwh your cost to operate for one hour would be sh.15.

    How much does it cost to run a 1500 watt heater for 24 hours?

    For example, for a consumer who pays the base rate in winter, PGandE charges about three dollars for the electricity to run a 1500-watt heater for 24 hours. Thats about for a month of continuous use.

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