• Yorkshire terriers are often fortunate enough to livefor roughly 15 years. The average miniature poodle lifeexpectancy is anywhere between 10 and 13 years. For toypoodles, that range is 12 to 14 years. Note, however, thatall of this depends on the level of loving care and attention youprovide your dog.

  • This is a top cause of death for adult Yorkies aswell. For Yorkies who are 1 year or older, the health issueswhich can be fatal are: Respiratory disease, cancer, congenitaldisease etc. Respiratory disease: Collapsed trachea, Brachycephalicairway syndrome, Pulmonary fibrosis.

    what health problems do Yorkie Poos have? Some of the conditions and illnessesYorkie-poos are prone to include breathingproblems such as tracheal collapse; knee issues suchas patellar luxation; skeletal problems such asintervertebral disc disease; developmental conditions such ascryptorchidism; and liver problems such as portosystemicshunts.

    Also to know, how long can a Yorkie Poo be left alone?

    Adult Yorkies (over 18 months) can beleft alone 4-6 hours a day, while puppies (up to 18 months)can be left alone no longer than 2-3 hours aday!

    How long do Yorkies live on average?

    13 – 16 years

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