• Discussion Fanatics

    To put it another way, the specific density of water would be 1.000. Ideally, urine specific gravity results will fall between 1.002 and 1.030 if your kidneys are functioning normally. Specific gravity results above 1.010 can indicate mild dehydration. The higher the number, the more dehydrated you may be.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Very low specific gravity means dilute urine, which may be caused by drinking too much fluid, severe kidney disease, or the use of diuretics.

    Furthermore, what does a specific gravity of 1.020 mean? Specific gravity is the measurement of the kidneys ability to concentrate urine. Decreased specific gravity (1.020) results from the loss of the kidneys ability to concentrate urine seen with renal disease (phelonephritis and glomerulonephritis) and diabetes insipidus due to the absence of antidiuretic hormone.

    Beside above, what does specific gravity of 1.005 in urine mean?

    Specific gravity is the weight of the urine as compared to water. Low specific gravity (<1.005) is characteristic of diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, acute tubular necrosis, or pyelonephritis.

    Why is specific gravity of urine important?

    A urine specific gravity test compares the density of urine with the density of water. It allows doctors to see the concentration of all particles that are present in the urine. The test involves collecting a urine sample that will help give a doctor an idea of a persons kidney function and hydration status.

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