• Discussion Fanatics

    Sak Pase” is a common Haitian Creole phrase that meansWhat's happening? It is often used to greet friends, similar to how you would say “what's up” in English. “Nap Boule” means “we're hanging out” and is the expected response.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Nap boule meaning. When you translate nap boule in English, it means that “youre doing well” or that “everything is going OK”. It is incorrect to say both Sak pase and nap boule at the same time. The first phrase is a question and the latter is one of many possible responses, albeit the most common one.

    Additionally, how do you say what is your name in Creole? Kijan ou rele?

    Hereof, is Beyonce a Haitian?

    Beyonces maternal grandparents, Lumis Albert Beyince and Agnez Dereon, were French-speaking Louisiana Creoles who are also from Haiti. Her mother born here did not learn creole and did not teach it to Beyonce, a lot of people do that to their kids.

    What does Zoe Zoe mean in Creole?

    Zoe is the anglicized variant of the word Zo, which is Haitian Creole to mean bone, whose members were known to be hard to the bone. When conflicts against Haitians arose, the pound would be sought out to retaliate, thus the street gang name, Zoe Pound came to be.

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haitian creole sak pase creole nap boule zoe

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