• Discussion Fanatics

    Put the bird in at 250 and the oil will get hotter but never reach 350. Alton got this one wrong. Start timing when the turkey starts vigorously frying and roiling bubbles. 3-3.5 minutes per pound and take it out and temp it.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Cover the pot with the lid and cook the bird at 275 degrees for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes at 275 degrees, turn the heat down and bring the oil temperature down to 225 degrees.

    Secondly, how long does a turkey take to cook at 225? At 225 degrees F, you can plan on approximately 30 minutes per pound for your turkey to smoke. For example, this 15 pound turkey will take 7 and 1/2 hours at 225 degrees F. I always plan an extra 30 minutes, just in case. Use an instant read thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey in the breast and thigh.

    Also to know, how do you cook a turkey at 250 degrees?

    Cook the turkey at 250°F for 20 additional minutes for each pound. No basting is necessary. You start counting the 20 minutes per pound immediately when you turn the oven down to 250°. You dont wait until the oven has cooled down to start the timing for the second phase.

    How long does it take to fry a turkey at 300 degrees?

    Keep the oil temperature above 300 degrees. In just a short time, the oil temperature will begin to rise again. Cook the turkey for 3 1/2 minutes per pound. For example, a 14-pound turkey should cook for 49 minutes, or 14 x 3.5 minutes.

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