• Discussion Fanatics

    Muggle-born is the term given to a witch or wizard who is born to two non-magical parents. Their magical abilities do not seem to be at all affected by their Muggle parentage. In fact, many Muggle-borns have been among the most talented witches and wizards of their time, such as Lily Evans and Hermione Granger.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Hermione was a witch. She was a muggleborn, which is a wizard or witch born to non-magical or muggle parents. They get their magical genes though a squib in the family. A squib is a non-magical child born to magical parents.

    Secondly, is Hermione a Muggle or Mudblood? Hermione Granger is frequently referred to as a mudblood by prejudiced. There are some Muggle-borns who refuse to allow the term to be degrading to them.

    Additionally, how can Muggles have a wizard child?

    If this is the case, a single random mutation in the gene could fix it for two muggle parents, or two muggles could have a child who gets healthy versions of the gene from one or more parents (the genes do seem to be dominant, since Muggle Wizard invariably ends up with a Squib or a witch/wizard).

    Is Hermione a witch or a wizard?

    The most prominent Muggle-born in the Harry Potter series is Hermione Granger, who had two Muggles of unspecified names as parents. A witch or wizard with all magical heritage is called a pure-blood.

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hermione granger hermione muggle wizard muggle parents

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