• Discussion Fanatics

    The active ingredient in Wet N Forget is not carcinogenic. It does have some toxicity, but its dilution minimalizes the danger. As with all chemicals it's best to apply it dressed in long sleeves and pants and wearing a face mask to avoid breathing in the mists.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    You only need to keep pets off the surface during the time it takes Wet and Forget to dry, which is between 4 and 5 hours. It is also safe for people and pets to be on the treated surface after subsequent rainfalls.

    Secondly, is Wet and Forget safe for plants? A: When applying Wet and Forget to the surface, the runoff into surrounding soil will not harm plants. However, when you are spraying Wet and Forget we recommend protecting your nearby plants/grass from over spray by rinsing them down before AND after you apply the Wet and Forget with water.

    Thereof, what is the active ingredient in wet and forget?

    The active ingredient in Wet and Forget is Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride. Consumers probably already have this ingredient in their homes in the form of an anti-bacterial wipe or a similar product.

    How long does it take for wet and forget to work?

    2-3 months

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