• Discussion Fanatics

    Weather is the daily state of the atmosphere, orair, in any given place. Climate is the average of weatherconditions in an area over a long period. The weather isimportant to people. It affects their comfort, their food supply,and even their safety.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Climate is the average measurements oftemperature, wind, humidity, snow, and rain in a place over thecourse of years. Climate is like the weather, but over along time.

    Likewise, what is weather in easy language? English Language Learners Definition ofweather (Entry 1 of 2) : the state of the air and atmosphere ata particular time and place : the temperature and other outsideconditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular timeand place. : bad or stormy weather. : a report or forecastabout the weather.

    Moreover, what is the best definition of weather?

    r ] The state ofthe atmosphere at a particular time and place. Weather isdescribed in terms of variable conditions such as temperature,humidity, wind velocity, precipitation, and barometricpressure.

    What is the difference between weather and climate kids definition?

    Whereas weatherrefers to short-term changes in the atmosphere,climate describes what the weather is like over along period of time in a specific area.Different regions can have differentclimates.

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