Another small but important diplomatic coup had been scored by the Great White Fleet. The fleets Japan visit had the desired result: it generated good will between both countries and eased tensions that might otherwise have led to open conflict
How does hikikomori relate to otaku?
The difference is the motivation: hikikomori =inability to cope, while otaku = obsessive hobbyattachment.
??/???) is a Japanese term for peoplewith obsessive interests, particularly in anime and manga. Itscontemporary use originated with Akio Nakamoris 1983 essay inManga Burikko. The definition of otaku subsequentlybecame more complex, and numerous classifications of otakuemerged.
Additionally, is anime a subculture? Anime in Japan means any animated film and mangais any printed cartoon. People in the rest of the world take themto mean animated films or comics from Japan even if this isntexactly the correct term.
Simply so, what types of otaku are there?
The most common types of otaku in Japan are:
- Anime / Manga Otaku. Virtually everyone in Japan has read mangaor watched anime at some point.
- Cosplay Otaku.
- Game Otaku.
- Idol and JPop Otaku (Wota)
- Figure otaku (Figure moe zoku ~ ????????)
- Train Otaku (Tetsudou Otaku)
- Robot Otaku.
- Pasocon Otaku.
What is hikikomori called in Japan?
???? or ?????, lit. Hikikomori refers to both thephenomenon in general and the recluses themselves.Hikikomori have been described as loners or modern-dayhermits.
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