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What is a scribe rail?
A scribe rail is a wooden rail which has the imperfections of a wall surface transferred to it and cut away. This scribe rail helps your kitchen cabinets sit flush against the rail rather than having gaps between the cabinets and the wall.
Scribe molding is a piece of wood that is used to cover inconsistencies between cabinet units and walls or ceilings. It lends a finished look to the cabinets appearance. Scribe molding is a thin strip of wood that covers gaps or inconsistencies where the cabinet meets the ceiling or wall.
Additionally, how do you use scribe molding? Position the piece of scribe molding along the seam where the back of the cabinet meets the wall. Ensure the flat side of the molding fits along the cabinet, with its edge pressed snugly against the wall. The molding “gives” slightly, conforming to marginal curves in the wall.
Furthermore, where does scribe molding go on cabinets?
Scribe molding is a strip of wood that can go behind cabinets against an uneven wall, or along the tops of cabinets near a heavily textured or uneven ceiling, to ensure a snug fit. The most common use is for cabinets that are mounted against brick, cinderblock, or stone walls.
What is a scribe tool?
A scriber is a hand tool used in metal work to mark lines on workpieces, prior to machining. The process of using a scriber is called scribing and is just part of the process of marking out.
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