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    Salvio hexia is the incantation of a protective enchantment which deflects hexes from the area.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Protego totalum is the incantation of a protective enchantment used to shield a certain area or dwelling for an extended period of time.

    Also Know, what spells does Hermione use to protect the camp? Hermione Granger cast Protego totalum, Salvio Hexia, the Muggle-Repelling Charm, the Muffliato Charm, Cave inimicum, and the Disillusionment Charm in 1997 over her tent site (along with Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter).

    Moreover, what spell can protect you Harry Potter?

    Protego Horribilis protects against dark magic, and in J.K. Rowlings books, its used to protect Hogwarts against invaders.

    How does the Fidelius Charm work?

    The Fidelius Charm is extremely ancient and still used to this day. It involves the concealment of information inside a living person. If the Secret Keeper shares the hidden information, the person to whom he or she has confided it will be bound by the Fidelius Charm and find it impossible to pass the information on.

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books and literature cookbooks fidelius charm harry potter charm salvio hexia muffliato charm

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