The part of your body just below your right rib cage is known as the upper right quadrant (RUQ) — 1 of 4 quadrants that make up your tummy (abdomen). Pain in this area can be caused by conditions that affect the organs found here, including the liver, right kidney and gallbladder.
What is stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination?
Stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination are parts of behaviorist learning theory, which describes how behavior can be learned by operant (voluntary behaviors) or classical (reflexive behaviors) conditioning.
Therefore, stimulus discrimination focuses on an individual to discriminate between two stimuli and respond to them differently and stimulus generalization focuses on the individual to respond to the two different stimuli in the same way.
Similarly, what is stimulus generalization? In the conditioning process, stimulus generalization is the tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been conditioned.
In this regard, what is stimulus discrimination?
Discrimination is a term used in both classical and operant conditioning. It involves the ability to distinguish between one stimulus and similar stimuli. In both cases, it means responding only to certain stimuli, and not responding to those that are similar.
What is an example of a discriminative stimulus?
A discriminative stimulus is the antecedent stimulus that has stimulus control over behavior because the behavior was reliably reinforced in the presence of that stimulus in the past. In the example above, the grandma is the discriminative stimulus for the behavior of asking for candy.
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