• Use whenever coloring directions call for 20 volume developer. Mix 1 part Wella Color Charm Color (or any permanent hair color) with 2 parts Well Color Charm Cream Developer. Apply to the hair using your desired technique, develop for 30 minutes and up to 45 minutes if additional depth or gray coverage is needed.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Mixing and Timing The mixing ratio is 1:2. 1 part color with 2 parts developer (1 oz. of hair color combined with 2 oz. of developer, for a total forumula mixture of 3 oz.).

    Secondly, what happens if you put too much developer in hair dye? If you put in too much developer, you will be lightening the hair but not depositing enough hair dye and the color wont last. For high lift colors, the correct mix is 1 part hair dye to 2 parts developer. For toners, the correct mix is also 1 part toner to 2 parts developer.

    Herein, how much developer do I use with Wella Color Tango?

    Mix 1 part Wella Color Tango Permanent Masque Hair Color with 1 part Wella Color Tango Developer in a 1:1 mixing ratio. Due to the thick masque consistency, we recommend applying Wella Color Tango with a bowl and brush. Process Wella Color Tango for 30 minutes to ensure 100% gray coverage.

    Will 20 volume developer lighten hair by itself?

    When mixed with bleach powder, 20 volume developer will lighten virgin hair by about 5 levels. Its main use is in bleaching and it can lighten around 7 levels depending on the bleach powder used. 40 volume is occasionally used to lighten very dark, stubborn hair as part of the bleaching process.

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