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What is the CPT code for CBC with differential?
A: A “CBC with diff” correlates to CPT code 85025, which includes an automated differential because most individuals have sufficient counts to obtain results.
Should we code 85025 when the order just reads CBC and when we do a manual differential with the CBC? ANSWER: You must code the service that you actually performed. Therefore, if a CBC with automated differential was performed, code 85025 would be appropriate.
Also, what CPT codes are included in 85025? CPT Code 85025 used for laboratory charges which precisely apply for complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count.
Correspondingly, what is the CPT for CBC?
Complete Blood Count (CBC) - CPT CODE 85004 - 85049 This hematology testing is commonly ordered by physicians to diagnose and treat a wide array of disorders such as liver, heart, and pulmonary disease, hemorrhage, dehydration, and infections.
What is included in a CBC differential?
CBC with differential (… dih-feh-REN-shul) A measure of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood, including the different types of white blood cells (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils).
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