• Ruth hit 714 home runs and struck out 1,330 times. He walked 2,062 times. When he hit 60 home runs, Ruth struck out 89 times, which calculates to one home run for every 1.48 strikeouts.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    On May 25, 1935, at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Babe Ruth hits his 714th home run, a record for career home runs that would stand for almost 40 years. This was one of Ruths last games, and the last home run of his career.

    Also, how many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in his last game? 714 home runs

    Correspondingly, how many games did it take Babe Ruth to hit 60 home runs?

    Then, unexpectedly, Gehrig slowed down and all that was left was for Babe Ruth to hit the incredibly high number of 60 home runs. It got down to the last three games of the season and Babe Ruth still needed three home runs. In the second to last game, on September 30, 1927, Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run.

    Did Babe Ruth hit more homeruns than teams?

    In 1920 Babe Ruth hit 54 home runs. This was more than any team (not counting the New York Yankees who he played for) other than the Philadelphia Phillies who hit 64 as a team that year.

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