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What does Gmork mean?
Gmork Means. Thanks! International Interest. Also see international interest. G is for glow, the warmth of your smile.
The Nothing is a power which destroys Fantasia one by one by absorbing it. The Nothing gives people the desire to surrender themselves to oblivion by jumping into the nothing. Gmork said that the Nothing would be a chance for beings of Fantasia to come to the human world, but as lies.
what name does the boy shouted in Neverending Story? Tami Stronach as The Childlike Empress, to whom Bastian gives the new name of Moon Child.
Additionally, what is the wolf in Neverending Story?
Gmork is the secondary antagonist of The Never Ending Story. He is a werewolf and the servant of the power behind The Nothing. His physical appearance is that of a large, wolf-like creature with night-black fur and capable of human speech.
Who is the villain in The Neverending Story?
What is discussplaces?

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