The reflexive form, abrirse, can even be used for the concept of becoming open to new ideas or to open oneself. Fortunately, the conjugation of abrir is mostly regular. Only the past participle, abierto, is irregular. In other words, abrir nearly always follows the pattern of other verbs ending in -ir.
Additionally, what does the verb vivir mean? The Spanish verb vivir means to live. It is a regular verb, so it follows the conjugation pattern for all verbs ending in -ir. Usted and ustedes follow the conjugation form of the third person pronouns.
Additionally, what is the negative Tu command of Abrir?
inglés tú Affirmative Imperative Open! abre Negative Commands Dont open! no abras
What is the present tense of Abrir?
Present Tense Conjugation of Abrir
Subject Pronouns Abrir Conjugation: Present Translation él, ella, usted abre he/she/opens/you (formal) are opening nosotros/nosotras abrimos we open/we are opening vosotros/vosotras abrís you (plural) open/are opening ellos, ellas, ustedes abren they/you (plural) open/are opening