• Discussion Fanatics

    If the subject is he (él), she (ella) or you – formal (usted), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -a (-ar verbs). If the subject is we (nosotros/nosotras), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -amos for -ar verbs.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Todays list is comprised of some of the most common:

    • hablar - to talk.
    • enseñar - to teach.
    • estudiar - to study.
    • dibujar - to draw.
    • tocar - to play an instrument.
    • caminar - to walk.
    • usar - to use.
    • cantar - to sing.

    Secondly, how many AR verbs are there in Spanish? On this page you can learn the how to conjugate 421 Spanish -ar verbs in all the different Spanish tenses.

    Besides, how do you use AR verbs in a sentence in Spanish?

    Regular -ar Verbs

    1. Caminar means to walk.
    2. Yo camino en el parque. I walk in the park.
    3. Tú caminas en la calle. You walk on the street.
    4. Él camina con el perro. He walks with the dog.
    5. Nosotros caminamos al supermercado. We walk to the supermarket.
    6. Ellos caminan como robots. They walk like robots.

    What does AR mean in Spanish?

    Regular ar Verbs The infinitive is the base form of the verb, such as to speak, to eat, to live, etc. In Spanish, all infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir. -ar verb.

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spanish verbs walk spanish tenses.besides regular

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