Toronto is a fantastic city with good subway transit and is a rail transit hub. Rents are about $1500 for a one bedroom and $2,500 for a 2 bedroom condo downtown. You can get cheaper as you move outside the core. There are a lot of parks and bike trails and in the summer the Toronto islands are a great venue. No more expensive than most cities, lots of nightlife, theatre, and a good music scene when Covid isn't an issue. Crime is generally not an issue unless you go looking for problems (as anywhere).
Why does Spanish have upside down punctuation?
The upside down question mark (¿) is a punctuation mark that is standard in Spanish. It allows a reader to know the following statement is a question. The same goes for the exclamation point because it allows the reader know that the upcoming statement is an exclamation.
In Spanish, the upside down question mark (¿) is used at the beginning of all questions and interrogative clauses.
Similarly, how do you type an upside down question mark? On an Android device Accessing upside-down punctuation on an Android devices requires selecting the “sym” (short for symbols) page on the mobile keyboard and then navigating to page 2. Both upside-down question marks and exclamation points can be selected from this menu.
Beside above, what is the purpose of the upside down question mark?
What upside down marks means. Upside down question and exclamation marks are punctuation marks of Spanish language used to begin interrogative and exclamatory sentences. They can also be combined in several ways to express the combination of a question and surprise or disbelief.
Does Italian use upside down exclamation point?
1 Answer. Italians do not use an upside down question mark at the beginning of a sentence.
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