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    According to Starbucks each Via Refreshers packet contains 40-55mg of caffeine. Refreshers will probably be a hit for Starbucks fans who aren't a huge fan of their roasted coffee flavored beverages.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    The Refreshers are listed as having 60mg of caffeine in the Grande (16oz) size. [1] A black iced coffee in the same size has 165mg of caffeine. [2] A Grande hot coffee has 330mg of caffeine. [3] So, clearly, the Refreshers have a respectable amount of caffeine, but nothing near that of typical, brewed coffee.

    One may also ask, which Starbucks Refresher has the most caffeine? The Iced Caffe Mocha and Iced Peppermint Mocha have the most caffeine of the Starbucks Iced Espresso drinks:

    • Tall - 95 mg.
    • Grande - 175 mg.
    • Venti Iced - 265 mg.

    Then, how much caffeine is in a strawberry acai refresher?

    The Strawberry Acai Refresher has anywhere from 45-55 milligrams of caffeine in a grande-sized cup, just like the new dragon fruit drink.

    Does the Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher have caffeine?

    The very berry hibiscus refresher is a tea-based drink that also contains green coffee extract to give it an extra boost. According to Starbucks, a venti-sized drink contains between 60-85 mg of caffeine.

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