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    Power Steering Fluid

    If you're lucky, all you need to do to fix this problem is add some fluid. Sometimes, just getting it to the right level again will take care of the issue and stop the squeaking. If the sound continues, then it could be dirty fluid or an issue with the power steering pump.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    If your car squeaks when it turns or makes a squealing noise when you turn the steering wheel, there are a variety of causes. The most likely causes for a squeaking car are; suspension losing lubrication, low power-steering fluid and the the steering wheel housing rubbing against the interior trim.

    Also, what does a bad wheel bearing sound like? The most common symptom with a bad wheel bearing is a loud noise coming from the tire or wheel of the vehicle. It will sound like metal grinding on metal and will get louder as the vehicle goes faster. A bad wheel bearing can lead to uneven tire wear, which means you will have to purchase tires sooner.

    Keeping this in view, is a squeaky steering wheel dangerous?

    A creaking sound when turning your steering wheel may be nothing more than a sign that your suspension system needs lubrication, but it may be a sign of something more serious, including tie rod damage, power steering rack damage, or a failing strut/shock.

    When I turn my steering wheel it makes a rubbing noise?

    If your steering wheel is making a loud rubbing noise when turning, the culprit could be the upper bearing on the steering column itself. This can cause the the plastic on the back of some steering wheels to rub against the cowling on the steering column.

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