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What number is real but not rational?
The definition of an irrational number is a number which is not a rational number, namely it is not the ratio between two integers. If a real number is not rational, then by definition it is irrational.
A real number that is not rational is called irrational. Irrational numbers include √2, π, e, and φ. The decimal expansion of an irrational number continues without repeating.
Secondly, is 7 a rational number? Rational Numbers. Any number that can be written as a fraction with integers is called a rational number . For example, 17 and −34 are rational numbers.
In respect to this, what is the difference between a real number and a rational number?
Explanation: Rational are those numbers which can be written as a ratio of two integers, the denominator being non-zero. Real numbers are those, which can be represented on real number line. Hence, though all rational numbers are real numbers, there are some numbers (irrational numbers) which are not rational numbers.
Is 0 rational or irrational?
Any number which doesnt fulfill the above conditions is irrational. What about zero? It can be represented as a ratio of two integers as well as ratio of itself and an irrational number such that zero is not dividend in any case. People say that 0 is rational because it is an integer.
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