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    Also, cowbirds are common nest parasites, and northern cardinals compete with catbirds and mockingbirds for nesting sites. On average, northern cardinals live for 3 years in the wild although several individuals have had life spans of 13 to 15 years. The longevity record for a captive northern cardinal is 28 ½ years!

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Pairs mate for life, and stay together year-round. Mated pairs sometimes sing together before nesting. During courtship they may also participate in a bonding behavior where the male collects food and brings it to the female, feeding her beak-to-beak. Cardinals do not usually use their nests more than once.

    Secondly, how long do cardinals stay with parents? The chicks fledge in 7-13 days, but the male continues to feed the fledglings while the female builds a second nest. When the baby Cardinals leave the nest, they look almost prehistoric, much too immature to be thought of as a fledged bird.

    Keeping this in consideration, are Cardinals aggressive?

    Males can be aggressive when defending their territory, and they frequently attack other males who intrude. This tendency sometimes leads cardinals to fly into glass windows, when they charge an “intruding bird” that is really their own reflection.

    What do Cardinals need to survive?

    Beak. Since cardinals are primarily seed eaters -- although their do also eat fruits and insects -- they have specially adapted beaks to help them with their diet. Their short, thick and conical beaks allow them to easily crack seeds, getting through the husk and allowing them access to the nutritious meat inside.

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cardinals northern cardinals cardinals live northern nest

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