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    Slippery When Wet Sign Specifications:

    Slippery When Wet Signs are diamond shaped.

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    Wet floor signs are used to notify and/or remind people of slip and fall hazards in the immediate area. These hazards include the presence of liquid or other slippery substance on the walking surface as a result of routine cleaning, accidental spills, product leaks, or presence of inclement weather conditions.

    Likewise, where do wet floor signs go? Place signs on both sides of a wet floor/spill. Try forming a triangle around the hazard area. If the wet floor is near a blind corner, place the sign on the other side of the turn, as it will warn customers and employees of the hazard. Make sure signs are also visible on security cameras.

    Besides, what is the sign for slippery?

    The Slippery When Wet sign is used to warn of unexpected slippery conditions. This usually means that a part of the roadway becomes more slippery in wet or cold weather. Expect to see the sign close to bridges and overpasses, which freeze first in cold and wet weather. They also dry out last.

    Are wet floor signs required by law?

    Wet Floor Sign Regulations Businesses should follow these instructions in addition to posting wet floor signs, which can increase safety and decrease liability. While there is no explicit wet floor sign law, you could still face legal difficulties if you fail to properly warn people about slip and falls hazards.

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