As well as being tasty it is an excellent form of enrichment to prevent your rabbit getting bored. Normal lawn grass seed is fine to use but you you can also buy Timothy grass seed or seed/weed mixes that contain other plants such clover, dandelion and thistle (as shown below).
Furthermore, what grass is bad for rabbits? Grass AND Hay Types that most rabbits like are Timothy, Oaten, Wheaten, Pasture, Paddock, Meadow or Ryegrass hays. Adult rabbits should not be fed Lucerne (alfalfa) or Clover hays as they are too high in protein and calcium.
Just so, can my rabbit eat grass from outside?
Pet rabbits can eat grass from the yard provided that its fresh and not treated with chemicals. Dont allow a rabbit to eat excessive grass immediately as her stomach needs to adjust to it. If youre going to clip some grass to feed your rabbit, you should use scissors.
How do you grow grass for rabbits at home?
Here are a few plants to get you started
Grass. If you have grass already growing in your garden then you can cut it for your rabbit using scissors.
Dandelions. Dandelion Flower.
Carrots. Carrots can be grown in the ground or in deep pots.
Feeding the Greens to Your Bunny.