• Discussion Fanatics

    Definition. An anion is an atom or a molecule which is negatively charged, i.e. has more number of electrons than protons. A cation is an atom or a molecule which is positively charged, i.e. has more number of protons than electrons. Charge. Negative.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Anions are atoms or radicals (groups of atoms), that have gained electrons. Since they now have more electrons than protons, anions have a negative charge. For example, chloride ions Cl- , bromide Br- , iodide I-. Anions are one of the two types of ions. The other type is called a Cation, having a positive charge.

    Similarly, how do you identify an anion? Electron Configuration of Cations and Anions

    1. The electronic configuration of many ions is that of the closest noble gas to them in the periodic table.
    2. An anion is an ion that has gained one or more electrons, acquiring a negative charge.
    3. A cation is an ion that has lost one or more electrons, gaining a positive charge.

    In this manner, what are cations and anions give examples?

    In chemistry, Anions are negatively charged and Cations are the opposite positively charged. The examples of anions are NO3- or Cl- and Examples of Cations: Na , Mg2 , Al3 , NH4 etc. They were are formed when a metal loses electrons and a nonmetal gains those electrons.

    What is an example of a cation?

    An example of a cation would be the sodium cation when it dissociates from chlorine anion. The sodium has its electron taken from it by chlorine, becoming positive. An easy way to remember that cations are the ions with a positive charge is to remember the phrase cats are positive!

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cation anions electrons positive ions

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