• Discussion Fanatics

    Military Time 2359 is: 11:59 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 23:59 using 24-hour clock notation.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    In military time, the hours are numbered from 00 to 23. Under this system, midnight is 00, 1 a.m. is 01, 1 p.m. is 13, and so on. Regular and military time express minutes and seconds in exactly the same way. When converting from regular to military time and vice versa, the minutes and seconds do not change.

    Subsequently, question is, what time is 2400 in military time? Military Time Conversion Chart

    Military Time Standard Time 0000 / 2400 12:00 AM / Midnight 0100 1:00 AM 0200 2:00 AM 0300 3:00 AM
    Herein, what time is 11 59pm in military time?

    Military Time 1159 is: 11:59 AM using 12-hour clock notation, 11:59 using 24-hour clock notation.

    How do you say 12 am in military time?

    This is called Zero Hundred Hours. Instead of having a twelve-hour clock that resets twice, in military time, you work with one clock that starts with 0000 at midnight and runs all the way until 2359 hours (11:59 p.m.) until it resets at 0000 hours at midnight again.

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