• Discussion Fanatics

    There is no proper response to “Sorry tobotheryou.” I can think of a lot of improperresponses,however.

    1. …… its a pleasure, never hesitatetoask……
    2. …. not a problem.
    3. …. never a bother
    4. More informally, to someone very close ,…..my time isallyours……
  • Discussion Fanatics

    I would guess that the following are the most commontypesof responses.

    • No worries.
    • Its fine.
    • No problem.
    • Please dont let it happen again.
    • Apology accepted.
    • Its okay.
    • Dont mention it.
    • You should be, but I forgive you.

    Secondly, can I bother you meaning? Bother can also mean that yourebuggingsomeone or causing a minor inconvenience. The wordcan alsohave a sense of deeper worry, especially whensomething isbothering you, like a nagging sense ofguilt.

    how do you use sorry to bother you?

    To bother someone means to annoy them or takeuptheir time. So the phrase Sorry to bother you is anapologyfor using up some of a persons time. Here aresomesituations in which you can say Sorry tobotheryou: When you ask someone a question that theydontknow the answer to, you can respond withOK.

    How do you politely say sorry in an email?


    1. Please accept my apologies.
    2. Im sorry. I didnt mean to..
    3. (Im) sorry. I didnt realize the impact of…
    4. Please accept our deepest apologies for…
    5. Please accept my sincere apologies for…
    6. Please accept this as my formal apology for…
    7. Please allow me to apologize for…
    8. I would like to express my deep regrets for…

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