• Discussion Fanatics

    At Home Depot, mulch sales feature the company's house brand, Vigoro. Normally, mulch prices at Home Depot are .33 per bag of Vigoro. Lowe's mulch sale is essentially the same deal: Two-cubic-foot bags of Lowe's Premium Mulch in black, brown, or red are each, down from their normal price of .66.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Both Home Depot and Lowes are advertising super cheap prices on mulch this weekend, and the savings can add up if youre loading up with dozens of bags. Home Depot has sales on several kinds of mulch, including bags of Vigoro wood mulch for a bag (normally ) and Scotts Earthgro for .50 per bag (normally .67).

    One may also ask, what is a good price for mulch? Types of mulch Hardwood and dyed mulches typically cost to per yard, or to per bag. To give your landscaping an extra pop of color, consider buying black, red or gold mulch. Premium mulches, such as those made from cedar or cypress trees, can cost to per yard, or to per bag.

    Simply so, what mulch is on sale at Home Depot?

    • 2 cu. ft. Medium Bark. Compare.
    • Earthgro 1.5 cu. ft. Black Mulch. Compare.
    • Earthgro 1.5 cu. ft. Brown Mulch. Compare.
    • Earthgro 1.5 cu. ft. Red Mulch. Compare.
    • EcoForest Mixed Hardwood. Compare. (6) .
    • Northeast Gardener 2 cu. ft. Cedar Mulch. Compare.
    • 2 cu. ft. Cedar Mulch.
    • Mountain Magic 1.5 cu. ft. Premium Grind Bark Mulch.

    Does Lowes have black mulch on sale?

    Premium 2-cu ft Black Hardwood Mulch at Lowes.com.

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