Many languages are called dead languages s popular culture does not use them. Latin is one of these although many people speak it as a second language or as a specialty language in their field of science or linguistics. Other languages are artificial such as Esperanto and have followers and speakers in specialized groups. Other dead languages have no speakers in the modern world. many of these are many centuries dead others have recently died out as the remaining speakers were absorbed into other language cultures. However there are more than 200 languages with only 1 or 2 speakers left. An example is Ter Sami, originally spoken in the Kola peninsula of Russia, had only 2 speakers remain in 2011. Native American languages are almost all dying out with only a few exceptions. The languages of Papua, New Guinea are only spoken in Papua, New Guinea, often by only a single village or small collection of villages. Even rarer languages exist in such places as the Smithsonian Institute. There some languages only exist as recorded samples from many years back. These may still be understood by some people who heard their grandparents speak them but they cannot speak them themselves. It would be difficult to be sure of which language is spoken by the least number of people because there are many languages that have a couple hundred or fewer speakers. For more information, you might want to look at a list of endangered languages. Some of these languages are spoken in remote areas, so if several of the remaining elderly speakers have died, we would not necessarily know that the language is down to its last speaker or is now an extinct language. Ter Sami and Kion are each only spoken by a few elderly persons. Njerep is a nearly extinct language, too. The last known native speaker of Eyak died in 2008. Omotik has fewer than 100 speakers. Umutina had one remaining speaker in 1999. Kalapuya is an extinct language, but I met one person in the Willamette Valley of Kalapuya descent who knows a couple words she learned from her grandmother.

Posts made by brownlion377
RE: What is the least spoken language?
Which is better soft white or daylight?
Daylight creates a natural effect because of its greater color contrast, whereas Soft White, because of its lower color intensity, makes light feel warm, producing a more relaxing light.
RE: Which US States observe daylight saving time?
All states and territories of the United States except for Arizona (with the exception of the Navajo Nation), Hawaii, the territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa observe Daylight Savings. The state of Indiana just recently began observing DST this year.
RE: Why is Ecuador's climate cool?
Ecuador is cool for its high elevations also part with the mountain range THE Andersens ecaudor is in the epuator it is cool on its lowest elevation
RE: Who was the most famous deaf person to ever have lived?
Hellen Keller Helen Keller was a remarkable American educator, disability activist and author. She is the most famous DeafBlind person in history. In 1882, Keller was 18 months old and fell ill with an acute illness which caused her to become deaf, blind and mute.
What does the Paraguay coat of arms mean?
What does the Paraguay coat of arms mean?
RE: Who performed the namaz-e-janaza of Quaid-e-Azam?
He was taken to a gun carriage and the final state ceremonial funeral start by Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani as this is the person Who Offered Funeral Prayer of Quaid E Azam.
Who was sent to Serbia after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?
Who was sent to Serbia after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?
RE: Is Aruba in Jamaica?
No, Aruba isnt in Jamaica. In fact, a distance of 591 miles [951 kilometers; 513 nautical miles] separates Jamaicas capital city at Kingston from Arubas capital city at Oranjestad. It takes under 1.5 hours to fly from Kingston to Oranjestad.The two islands are in the Caribbean. Jamaica is an island in the Greater Antilles. Aruba is an island in the Lesser Antilles. But the two islands arent in the same time zone. Kingston is one hour behind Oranjestad.
RE: What do kingston jamaica and kinshasa democratic republic of the congo both have in common?
Here are some things that Kingston and Kinshasa have in common:Both are eight-letter wordsBoth start with KinBoth are capital citiesBoth are port citiesBoth are the largest cities in their countryBoth are former coloniesBoth are in the tropicsBoth have ethnic African majoritiesBoth are economically depressed
RE: Bogota is the capital of what south American country?
The country is Colombia, in NW South America.Colombia is the South American country that claims Bogotá as its capital city. The citys name is pronounced boh-goh-TAH. It comes from the aboriginal word bacata, for planted fields.
What does the Judicial Branch of government consist of?
What does the Judicial Branch of government consist of?
RE: How much does a ps3 cost in japan?
a ps3 in Japan with a Canadian currence costs about 550 dollars because of thew extra features thanx this is by ur gay friend Treyvone Scott-Lawerence