• Discussion Fanatics

    To pick a lock using a paperclip, start by unfolding one paperclip so it's straight with a hook at the end and a second paperclip so it's bent at a 90-degree angle. Then, insert the bent end of the second paperclip into the lock and turn it in the direction the lock turns.

  • Fashion a lock-pick using household items. Bobby pins or hair pins work best, but you can also use heavy-duty paperclips, or other stiff bits of wire. First create your pick by opening out one of the bobby pins or paperclips until it is straight. Then bend the last 1/8 of the pick up at a 20 degree angle.

    Likewise, how do you open a lock without a key? You simply need a straight, stiff tool to unlock it—try a straightened paperclip or a small screwdriver. Some people swear by the Spam Key. (Though why anyone still has one of those lying around is beyond me.) In some cases, the lock will require you insert a tool and twist.

    Then, how do you unlock a door with a knife?

    Pry open the latch by sweeping the end of the knife and moving the latch inward. Take the butter knife, and slide it between the door and the door frame, starting about three inches at the top of the door knob. Slide the knife until you find the doors bolt.

    How do you pick a door with a paperclip?

    The Procedure for Using a Paper Clip Lock Pick

    1. Insert the short end of the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole.
    2. Insert the pick into the upper portion and push it in until it contacts a pin.
    3. Repeat this procedure with all five pins, and the barrel should spin.

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