Its not that hard.
Half of the inch part is 1/2 inch which is also 4/8.
half of the 3/4 part is 3/8 you get by multiplying the denominator by 2.
Put it all back together and you get the 4/8 part and the 3/8 part so in total its 7/8 of an inch.
10 mm rainfall means that if rainfall fellon a flat land surface , with no slope ,no evaporation, and nopercolation of water I.e. water does not go underground,then the amount of rainfall would be 10 mm measuredfrom the ground.
Moderate rain: Greater than 0.5 mm perhour, but less than 4.0 mm per hour. Heavy rain:Greater than 4 mm per hour, but less than 8 mm perhour. Very heavy rain: Greater than 8 mm per hour.Heavy shower: Greater than 10 mm per hour, but less than 50mm per hour.
Secondly, what is a heavy rainfall? Heavy rainfall is one of the most frequent andwidespread severe weather hazards to affect New Zealand. It isdefined as rainfall greater than 100 mm in 24 hours. Often,a significant amount of precipitation occurs in only a fewhours, leading to severe flooding and landslide risk.
Similarly, how many inches is 10 mm of rain?
Quick lookup: mm to inches
mm 1 10 Inches 0.0394 0.3937
What is considered heavy rain?
Rainfall rate is generally described as light,moderate or heavy. Light rainfall isconsidered less than 0.10 inches of rain per hour.Moderate rainfall measures 0.10 to 0.30 inches ofrain per hour. Heavy rainfall is more than 0.30inches of rain per hour. An inch of rain is exactlythat, water that is one inch deep.