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    (countable and uncountable, plural guiles) (uncountable) Astuteness often marked by a certain sense of cunning or artful deception. Deceptiveness, deceit, fraud, duplicity, dishonesty.

  • Use the noun guile for cunning, craftiness, and artful duplicity. Acting like you have a job on Wall Street when youre actually unemployed would take a lot of guile.

    Also, what is the best synonym for guile? Synonyms for guile | nounslyness, cleverness

    • trickery.
    • artfulness.
    • artifice.
    • chicanery.
    • craft.
    • craftiness.
    • cunning.
    • deceit.

    Similarly, you may ask, what does without guile mean?

    art, artfulness, artifice, cleverness, craft, craftiness, cunning, deceit, deception, duplicity, gamesmanship (informal) knavery, ruse, sharp practice, slyness, treachery, trickery, trickiness, wiliness. Antonyms. candour, frankness, honesty, sincerity, truthfulness.

    How do you use guile in a sentence?

    guile Sentence Examples

    1. You might have to use considerable guile to find out whats going on.
    2. The Picts used a bit of tactical guile and lured the Northumbrians into a trap with deadly results.
    3. This years budget is million and the student cohort will be ,000 - a growth achieved through graft and a little guile.

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books and literature fiction guile wall street duplicity cunning guile sentence

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